Development Site for CarbonDescent's GreenSCIES systems.

Data Analysis for Greenscies Smart Community Integrated Energy Systems.

Energy Analysis Mapping Tool
All English, Welsh and Scottish Local Authorities

This is early beta software so please treat accordingly. The mapping tool has been developed primarily on Chrome and tested on Firefox and Edge, but all current browsers should work. However the tool may load very large volumes of data so we recommend a reasonably current specification PC and good internet. Smaller tablets with limited memory may struggle and mobiles are not supported.

The database has all EPCs and Display Certificates for England, Wales and Scotland loaded. Where there are multiples the latest one is used. In addition layers are available for MLSO, LSOA, Postcodes, Emissions Heatmaps, Datacentres and other relevant information.

Local Authority boundaries are 2011, although some may have been consolidated to fit with current designation. You may load multiple local authorities within the mapping tool - there is no hardcoded limit, but we would recommend keeping the numbers restricted to three or four at most.